Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Day of Baby Shopping!

Yesterday, my mom and I thought it would be a good idea to walk through Babies R Us and glean some ideas for the nursery. It was so much fun! And really surreal...going with your mom to shop for mommy stuff for yourself! Wow, it's really hitting me now :) At first, the thought of decorating the baby's room was a little overwhelming. I lack in creativity but definitely know what I like when I see it. I was relieved when I came across a theme that I LOVE. One reason why I like this is that it ties into our month-long Costa Rica trip we took in October. We have amazing memories of that trip and all the places we stayed. The other reason why we both like this is that it's gender neutral. So, when we have more kids, we'll always have these nursery items to use each time we have a new little one! Here are 2 pictures of the theme Brandon and I decided to go with!

I'm also excited we found these! I think we can use them for the future kids no matter what the gender also :)

I think it will take a while before we can afford all these things but it's so nice to get ideas! Too bad we still have to wait about 2 months to see if it will be a boy or a girl. Time is going by slow! We are very excited for the first prenatal appointment on the 31st! I'm hoping I'll have an ultrasound picture to post :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

You know you're preggers when...

Brandon made his usual yummy blueberry muffins on Sunday and they've sat all day and night. I tried to eat one today and couldn't finish it... it was way too sweet! For those who don't know, I'm a serious sugar addict. Candy, baked treats, ice cream... you name it, I love it. But now, the last thing I want to eat is red licorice or sweetart balls or Brandon's super awesome muffins. Sad! I think the morning sickness has started because nothing sounds good but water. And spicy doritos. Hmmm. Looks like it's going to be harder than I thought to eat healthy and often in this first trimester! Guess I better force the healthy stuff down for the benefit of the little one :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Big Changes!

Wow, this last year has marked the biggest changes of our lives! Brandon and I thought we'd use a blog to make it easy to share what's been happening with our little family! Here's a few things that we've been up to since June of 2009...

We got engaged on June 29th at Brandon's graduation party, in front of our families and friends! It was so special and a total surprise :)

In September, we bought our house in Brush Prairie that sits on 1.25 acres. It took a lot of work to change the paint colors in every room and we still have a lot of renovating to do, but we love it! Someday it will be the perfect home to fit our (future) big family :)

On October 5th, my dreams came true and I married my best friend on the beach in Costa Rica, where we also spent 4 weeks traveling. It was amazing!

Once we were back home, it was a fun experience settling into our new life. Brandon started his Chiropractic career while I worked hard to finish my Medical Transcription training. In February, Brandon thought it was time to add to the family, and surprised me on Valentine's Day with Kate the puppy :) We love her!

In May, we decided it was time to seriously think about having a baby. To our BIG surprise, on August 5th, (which happens to be our 10th 'monthiversary') I took a test, and it turned out positive :)
I actually took 3 tests total, because we couldn't believe it and had to be sure :) We wanted to be creative when we told our parents, so we brought Kate to each family's house, with a bib around her neck that said BIG SISTER and a pacifier dangling from her collar. Nobody got it at first though! It was pretty funny. We're so excited to start this adventure and feel SO blessed to have such wonderful friends and family to share this experience with!