Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Day of Baby Shopping!

Yesterday, my mom and I thought it would be a good idea to walk through Babies R Us and glean some ideas for the nursery. It was so much fun! And really surreal...going with your mom to shop for mommy stuff for yourself! Wow, it's really hitting me now :) At first, the thought of decorating the baby's room was a little overwhelming. I lack in creativity but definitely know what I like when I see it. I was relieved when I came across a theme that I LOVE. One reason why I like this is that it ties into our month-long Costa Rica trip we took in October. We have amazing memories of that trip and all the places we stayed. The other reason why we both like this is that it's gender neutral. So, when we have more kids, we'll always have these nursery items to use each time we have a new little one! Here are 2 pictures of the theme Brandon and I decided to go with!

I'm also excited we found these! I think we can use them for the future kids no matter what the gender also :)

I think it will take a while before we can afford all these things but it's so nice to get ideas! Too bad we still have to wait about 2 months to see if it will be a boy or a girl. Time is going by slow! We are very excited for the first prenatal appointment on the 31st! I'm hoping I'll have an ultrasound picture to post :)

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