Thursday, October 13, 2011

May 8th of 2011

I know this was months ago, but I wanted to share some of my favorite pictures of a very special day..
May 8th of this year held quite a few special occasions!

For starters, it was my parents' 29th wedding anniversary
I ended up with no pictures of them that day, so this is from my brother's wedding :) They look so happy! :)
 It was my 27th birthday
My 1st Mother's Day

Lastly, it was my brother's first time meeting Kyla :)
Kyla is saying, "Yesssss! Finally!"
Ryan had told us that he'd be coming home from college really late that night, but he showed up after church :)

It was a day full of many blessings!


Four Generations!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy Half-Birthday Kyla Loren McCuistion!

Our precious little baby was born March 24, 2011 at 5:31 pm, 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and 21 inches long!

We were expecting her arrival on April 4th, but due to some complications I was having, we needed to induce a few weeks early.  Sunday, the 20th, we were actually sitting in church when I thought my water broke. As I stood up and started to head toward to the door, we all realized I was losing a lot blood instead. Scary! I was in the hospital for 2 days, and then sent home on bedrest. I was really bummed because I spent my entire 2nd trimester on modified bedrest and it's no fun. I just wanted them to induce! Thankfully, we were only home for one full day before getting the call to head back to the hospital. The ride was so surreal! I'll never forget the conversation Brandon and I had on the way there about how our lives would be forever changed.
I got admitted at 8 pm on Wednesday, and the induction process began at 10 pm. Brandon got a lot of sleep that night, but I didn't sleep more than 2 hours... I was seriously too excited! Every move Kyla made, every beat of her heart, every hiccup, I heard it all through the monitors I was hooked up to; the weight of the moment was hitting me hard, that this little person that I've kept safe inside me, who I've grown to love so much, was finally ready to make her debut and I couldn't wait to meet her! I spent most of the night praying and thanking God for the miracle that was about to happen!
After 17 hours of labor, 2 failed epidurals, and 2 hours of pushing with no drugs, our precious little Kyla came into the world! She was absolutely worth it! :)

 I was only able to hold our baby for a few minutes because I started hemorrhaging. The next 6 hours were a blur; I spent some of it unconscious. I had to spend about 12 hours with the bed completely flat or I'd pass out, it was crazy! God is just so good and protected us from so many things that could have gone wrong, I am SO blessed! 

I had to have 2 transfusions because I lost one-third of my body's blood. It was a long week in the hospital!

While we were at the hospital and right when we got home, almost all of our immediate families were able to visit. It was so special! I was sad that Uncle Ryan and Auntie Marisa couldn't make it, because they had gone back to school in Nampa a few days before Kyla was born. But, thank the Lord for Skype!
 This is Grama Sandi and Grandma Nancy
 This is Granddad Jeff and Grandpa Jay

This is Gram Gram Sue and Great Grandpa Tom

Kyla's cousins, JJ and Kara came to meet her, as well!

 Here are some of Kyla's Aunties and Uncles
 Here is Great Grandpa Elmer and Great Grandma Alena

And we were still missing more great grandparents! This girl was destined to be spoiled from the beginning :)

On top of everything that happened that week, I got one of the best surprises of my life! My best friend, Jessica, drove up from California, for literally a day, just to meet our baby. I thought I wasn't going to see her for another month! It was an amazing surprise. I love her so much!

I had the choice of staying another day and getting a 3rd transfusion, but was SO ready to go home, so they let us go, but on the condition of having someone with me at all times for the next 2 weeks and with strict modified bedrest orders. The recovery took about 3 months, but I am SO grateful for all the help we received during that time! Our little Kyla could not be a better baby. We are so blessed beyond words! I'm looking forward to blogging more often and sharing more of what's happened in the life our little one during last few months. She is growing up so fast! ♥

Monday, January 3, 2011

28 weeks down!

It's pretty cool to start the new year off with the start of my third trimester :)
I'm excited for my 7-month prenatal appointment tomorrow because I get to hear Kyla's heartbeat.
I'm not excited for my 7-month prenatal appointment tomorrow because I get to take my glucose screening test. I hate getting my blood drawn.

Here is a picture of me illegally vacuuming the house before our New Year's party.
Next Friday, I find out if my restrictions are lifted. Two full months of not cleaning house and having Brandon wait on me hand and foot is getting old. Yes, I am serious.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Poor Puppy :(

 Kate has always played very hard outside. She usually has a nail or two split a little, but I've always been able to clip them so they don't get bad. But last week she actually split one in half down the middle and to the bottom base. She was limping pretty bad and it didn't look like I could fix it. So Ryan came and helped me take her to the vet, where she got the nail removed. She got to come home with a cute green cast, but a whole week without running around outside has been very challenging. I'm excited to take her in tomorrow to get it off. She is definitely an outside dog. Not inside. But at least I've had a lot of extra snuggle time! :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

November and December

These last two months have been very exciting for our family. We found out we're having a girl, we started working on the nursery, and I got a job! We have so much to be thankful for :)

November 4th started out at 4 in the morning for me. I was so excited to find out what we were having, I could not sleep anymore. Brandon and I had to wait until 1 pm for the appointment, it seemed like the longest day of my life!
When the ultrasound got started, we found out I have complete placenta previa. That means the placenta is completely covering my cervix/birth canal instead of being at the top of my uterus. I was told there was nothing really to worry about; my doctor just wanted me on pelvic rest until my next ultrasound on January 14th. Pelvic rest would help prevent any contractions or bleeding that might trigger preterm labor. We were a little worried with the discovery, but when we found out we are having a baby girl, and that she is completely healthy and growing normally, we were overcome with excitement and joy! Kyla Loren McCuistion, we are so excited to meet you!

After our ultrasound was over, we headed over to Babies R Us to start the registry and get ideas on how to decorate the nursery. It was so much fun, especially with Brandon being so excited with me :)

Here is the crib Grandma Nancy got for Kyla, it's gorgeous!

Here is the bedding set that Brandon picked out, and Grandma Sandi got for the baby, it's so cute!
A while ago, we decided on a neutral jungle theme, but Brandon spotted this bedding and loved it :) I thought we could still incorporate some girly jungle stuff like this

There are so many adorable things to choose from! I am hoping to save enough money to buy this amazingly comfy glider

We are making an old dresser that Brandon's grandpa gave us into a changing table and it has been a lot of fun picking out clothes and accessories like cute tights and head bands. I'm going to have so much fun dressing her up every day! 

We have been so blessed by how God has provided for us this past year. It has been really hard financially and we were a little concerned when we got pregnant a lot quicker than expected, but the Lord has provided everything we've needed. We received a huge answer to prayer in the middle of November, when I got hired as a Medical Transcriptionist for a woman who owns her own transcription business in Montana. Even though the income is a lower than we were hoping, it's still flexible hours and having my foot in the door with a challenging career to get started in. I feel so blessed! 

The job was perfect timing, especially as after Thanksgiving, I was put on modified bed rest by my doctor.  I can totally still work from the couch! :) I had my first bad (and scary!) contraction on the night of Thanksgiving, and since then I've had to keep my feet up as much as I can. The doctor discovered my gastrointestinal disease has been the main cause of bad contractions and painful cramping. My management has not been very easy with most of my medications and holistic stuff off limits during pregnancy. To say the least, it's been a challenging two months! My doctor says that if the placenta has moved enough by my next ultrasound on January 14th, my restrictions will be lifted. If it hasn't changed by my 32 week ultrasound, I'll be admitted to the hospital at the beginning of March, and ride out the rest of my pregnancy on complete bed rest there. 

Brandon has been such a huge help and I'm reminded daily how amazing of a husband I have. My mom, mom-in-law and sister have also been so wonderful with coming over to help with housework and just keep me company. 

So this is my office, my day-time bed, and my snuggle buddy, Kate. She's so sweet to keep me company all the time :)